Funkpunk Art by
Õnnelikud olid kõik need inimesed, kel oli nõuka-ajal kodus pruun sektsioonkapp! Eriti uhke, kui see täitis terve seina! Selles kapis hoiti oma kõige hinnalisemat vara, Tšehhi kristalli, laste eest peidetud komme ja Soome likööre. Ja kole õnnetud olid need, kel sellist imeasja majapidamises polnud. Aga midagi pole teha, sektsioonkapid olid vaid väljavalitutele!
Mõnikümmend aastat hiljem, kui sai otsa Nõukogude Liit, raiusid inimesed need kapid enda tubadest välja. Lööduna seisid need mööblitükid kusagil kuuri all või prügimäel nagu eelajaloolised loomad, kel on aeg välja surra.
Funkpunk on nende dinosauruste koduloomaaed! Loomaaia direktorina olen siia toonud varjule kõik need hüljatud liimpuidu, pressitud saepuru ja spooniga kaetud elukad. Minu juures on neil hea, sest nad leiavad uue elu kunstina, saavad uue tähenduse ja värvi. Uue elu andjana meeldib mulle näha kuidas erisugused klotsid hakkavad aina valjemalt oma lugu rääkima. Eriti jutukaks muutuvad nad värvidega kohtudes. Ei jäägi muud üle, kui neid kuulata ja vaadata ning kõrva tagant pintsliga sügada.
Elu ei pea olema ainult pruun, helepruun ja tumepruun!
Rohkem Funkpunki!
Peeter Unt
Happy were all those people who had a large brown cabinet at home in the Soviet times! Especially gorgeous when it filled an entire wall! In this cabinet, the most precious possessions were kept, Czech crystal, candies hidden from the children, and Finnish liqueurs. And those who didn't have such a miracle in their household were miserable. But there's nothing to be done, such cabinets were only for the chosen ones!
A few decades later, when the Soviet Union ended, people carved these cabinets out of their rooms. Beaten, these pieces of furniture stood somewhere under a shed or in a garbage dump like prehistoric animals whose time has come to die out.
Funkpunk is a petting zoo for these dinosaurs! As the director of the zoo, I have brought here to shelter all those creatures covered in glulam, pressed sawdust and veneer. They are happy here, because they find a new life as art, get a new meaning and colour. As a giver of new life, I like to see how different pieces start to tell their story more and more loudly. They become especially chatty when they meet colours. I just need to listen and watch, and scratch them behind the ear with a paintbrush.
Life doesn't have to be all brown, light brown and dark brown!
More of Funkpunk!
Peeter Unt